Now 3 Good Sources of Wills and Probate Information!

by | May 27, 2023 | LPAs, Probate, Wills

Confused or just wanting to stay up to date? If you are you looking for Wills and Probate information, then we may be able to help you.

We are keen to share our knowledge with both clients and prospective clients.  As such, we have complied a number of free Wills and Probate information resources on our website.

Our free Wills and Probate information

1. Our Blog

If you are reading this, then you will of course already discovered our blog! The blog is regularly updated. So be sure to bookmark it and return regularly.

It contains news, information and articles on Wills, Probate, Inheritance Tax, Lasting Power of Attorney (LPAs) and related areas. All from the team at Harries Watkins Jones Wills & Probate.

We are always on the look out for new blog topics. Should you have a suggestion for a future blog article we would be pleased to know!

Wills and Probate blog >

2. Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

We regularly get asked questions from clients searching for Wills and Probate information.  So, we have a dedicated a page with some of the more common ones! And, our answers of course.

Even if the question does not relate directly to a service that we provide we are pleased to signpost our clients to a person, company, charity or website that can help.

There is no such thing as a silly question, if you are thinking it we are sure others will be thinking it too! If you have a question related to Wills or Probate then why not send it to us? Who knows it may end up on our FAQs page, anonymised of course!

Frequently Asked Questions >

3. Wills and Probate Information helpsheets

Our newest addition is a dedicated website page for downloadable Wills and Probate helpsheets.

We aim to add to them regularly, with at least one useful new helpsheet per month. Why nit save the page to make sure you don’t miss out!

Current topics covered on our site include:

  • Why make a will?
  • What property is your to leave in your Will?
  • Why make an LPA?
  • Appointing Guardians for children in your Will.
  • When should you review your Will?
  • Some important considerations when making a Will.
  • The Rules of Intestacy Flowchart. If you die without a Will this chart explains who the beneficiaries will be. It may be not what you expect!
  • How to sign your Will correctly.
  • Information about the National Will Register

The helpsheets generally provide a quick overview or summary of the topic, for further information please contact us.

Wills and Probate Helpsheets >

Future Resources

Wills and Probate Information


We are always looking for the best ways to keep our clients up to date with Wills and Probate information so keep a watchful eye on our Helpful Information page for further developments. We currently have a number of ideas including the possibility of short informative videos. If you have any ideas forward them on to us!

Of course, these resources are not intended to be a substitute for expert professional advice. They are shared to just aid understanding and so should not be relied on in isolation. For something as important as a Will or dealing with the Estate of a loved one, we strongly recommend you talk to a specialist lawyer.

Not sure where to start?

If you don’t know where to start, we understand. We realise how complicated and daunting the world of Wills and Probate can make people feel. So, if you are looking for professional wills & probate experts, we would welcome a no-obligation chat to explain how we can help.

Contact us today to find out more about our services.


The information provided is of a general nature. It is not a substitute for specific advice in your own circumstances. You are recommended to obtain specific professional advice from an appropriate professional before you take any action or refrain from action. Whilst we endeavour to use reasonable efforts to furnish accurate, complete, reliable, error free and up-to-date information, we do not warrant that it is such. We and our associates disclaim all warranties. The information can only provide an overview of the regulations in force at the date of publication, and no action should be taken without consulting the detailed legislation or seeking professional advice.

Give us a call

If you have any will and probate services questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with our friendly and supportive wills and probate services team. We're here for you.